Eso Standards

Our vision for an Eso world is one with minimal processed ingredients, no plastics, and nothing “bad for you”. While it can be difficult to define what is “bad” for someone as there is not a one-size-fits-all solution, we believe that natural, low-ingredient products are generally the best approach. We will always do extensive research into every product we sell - from contacting the suppliers to ask about their manufacturing process, to reading studies on each individual ingredient. If we see anything that could pose a risk to people’s health, we won’t sell it - it’s really that simple. 

We will never sell products which have been proven to fall into any of the following categories: 
  1. Carcinogenic 
  2. Hormone disrupting 
  3. Unnecessary added ingredients 
  4. Non-organic 
  5. Damaging to cells 
  6. Unnatural processes used in its creation 
  7. Neurotoxic 
  8. Damaging to thyroid health 
We will do our best to minimise the products we sell which have been proven to fall into the following categories: 
  1. Contains plastic 
  2. We will curate and sell products which we believe: 
  3. Promote a natural lifestyle to achieve optimal health and vitality 
  4. Give respect to our roots as a species 
  5. Adhere to ancient practices 
  6. Are enlightening to oneself 

When it comes to products which can cause harm with one-time use, this is something we will never sell. We will however, sell products which can cause harm in excess use. It is the responsibility of the customer to exercise caution and discipline in cases like these. 

An example of this is caffeine vs tobacco. Tobacco can cause harm with a single use, so we will not sell it. Caffeine on the other hand, can be a valuable tool to many people, as long as it is not overused or tied into any sort of dependency. 

The Eso Standards are a work in progress and will be constantly updated and changed as information updates.

Last Updated: 4th December 2023

Men's Clothing

Made from 100% Organic Cotton

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