Meet the team

Vincent (Founder/Director)


Age: 23

Bio: Hey guys,

It's Vincent here, the founder of Eso World, and I'd like to share a bit about myself and why I started this project so that you can all get to know me a little bit!

So, where to start? Well I should probably talk about how I found out about the topic of endocrine disruptors and estrogenics, seeing as that's what this store is all about! As a young man I've always been interested in becoming the best version of myself, and one of the areas I have always been interested in developing is my Health & Fitness. So whenever I had any spare time, I would always be watching YouTube trying to figure out what workouts I should be doing, what I should be eating, and what I should be avoiding. And I'll be honest with you guys, I always struggled with that last one because of my addictive personality. I was often drinking, smoking, and putting awful processed and fast foods into my body... until about 7 months ago when my mindset changed about everything, but I'll get on to that later.

I've always been interested in starting a business of my own, because I know it's one of the greatest ways to make a change in this modern world. I've always known this has been my purpose from quite a young age back when I was building Legos and painting pictures for my family to buy, for a little bit of pocket change, but I never really knew what kind of business to start. I tried Depop and that went alright, but in December 2022 I decided to really focus and try a few ideas: Amazon KDP (selling blank books that I didn't care about), Dropshipping random products (that I didn't care about), trying to start a combat sports agency which is a hobby I have a passion for (but for a business model, that I didn't care about). You get the picture, and you can see why none of them ever took off.

I've been a fan of this YouTuber called Hamza for a while now, and many young men in the self improvement space are familiar with him. In January 2023, I had a friend mention to me the fact that testosterone has been declining through generations, and I was curious about this; so I looked into it, and it turns out Hamza did a few videos on this topic - brilliant! This is where I really started to get interested in the topic of endocrine disruptors and estrogenics. Hours upon hours of videos were watched, day after day... I was obsessed, but I loved it because I learnt so much. That's when I started looking for stores which sell products that don't affect my hormones, but I couldn't find any. Literally none were focused on helping people with this issue, and I thought this was absurd. So my friend and I - who is unfortunately no longer on this project - decided to start Eso World.

Ding! March 2023, a video from Hamza pops up in my notifications... another video about boosting testosterone? Brilliant! I gave it a watch and he recommended a book called "Estrogeneration" by Anthony G. Jay Ph.D. At this point, I really started to enjoy the habit of reading so I went ahead and bought it. As I was reading this book, my whole mindset about the modern world was changing page by page. Every time I was flicking over I was learning something new, and everything finally started to "click" in my brain; but more importantly, it was cementing my realisation that this is my purpose. If you haven't read it, go buy it and read it now. Or you'll forever stay ignorant to the damage you're doing to your body, and your future kids body, without you even realising why.

I'm certain we'll be able to get this book on this store soon - stay tuned for updates on this.

But to wrap up, from that moment most of my bad habits cut down drastically because of what I had learnt in that book (as well as follow up videos from Hamza). I stopped going to the pub and club as much, smoking, eating rubbish, and about a month ago I stopped them all entirely. Instead I've been practicing much more beneficial habits that bring me true happiness, like reading, meditating, eating whole foods, exercising, replacing anything that's estrogenic, and spending time in nature while appreciating the small moments, like a beautiful sunset; because I'm no longer overstimulated from my phone screen and social media.

I hope the more content we push out to you guys, the more you learn about the harm the modern world is doing, and you can follow in my footsteps to live a life you're proud of.

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day for it, stay tuned and see you later!


Ollie (Director)



Age: 22

Bio: Hello guys,

Ollie here, and I’m here to tell you a little bit about myself and why I decided to become involved with Eso World, so that you can get to know our team better.

I have enjoyed taking care of my physical health since I was 13, when I first got into weightlifting. Like many young men, I was hoping to grow muscle, but I was woefully unprepared for this. I went out and bought a pair of adjustable dumbbells, and I was admittedly dedicated, spending 30 minutes every single day using these and some basic bodyweight exercises. Despite this, I lacked a greater strategy to my approach; I did not appreciate the importance of rest days, I thought huge calorie deficits would help me look “ripped”, and a variety of other common health fallacies. It would take a couple of years before I began to investigate how I could form a basic split of days on and off, as well as how to identify a healthy diet, as opposed to a restrictive one.

It was a while later still, whilst at university, that I started to research further beyond this into how I could optimize my health in other ways than just exercise and diet. This is when I began to come across some posts, mostly in more niche online communities, that focused on the effects of artificial oestrogen-imitating compounds, and just how common these were in everyday life. I ended up bringing this up to my friend, Vince, who I often discussed training tips with, which would later end up being important because...

When Vince approached me with the intention of launching a store that would provide people with both the organic products I wanted to have, and the information I wished I had had before, I wanted a part in bringing that into being. That is what has brought me onto the Eso World project, and I very much look forward to everything we have planned to bring this into fruition, so keep an eye out for updates, including new blog posts to stay informed and new product lines to stay naturally healthy.

Thank you so much for reading, stay tuned and see you in the next one.

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