Eso World is live! - Update #1

Eso World is live! - Update #1

Hello Eso Family, the wait is finally over!

Our store is now live. We founded Eso World not just to provide you with healthy options for day to day products, but also to educate people on why these are such healthy choices to begin with. As such, on our website you can find both our online store and our blog.

On our online store we are proud to be launching our 100% organic cotton clothing range, currently available in black and white, alongside a small selection of accessories such as stickers, tote bags, and mugs, but this is only the beginning! You can expect a wider range of colours very soon, and we hope that new clothing and accessory products will not be far behind.

Our first blog post is also up, and if you are unaware of why wearing organic clothing is so important for both your health and for the health of the environment, then we highly recommend reading it here to learn more. In it, we discuss the highly damaging and largely unknown impacts of both producing and wearing polyester clothing, explaining why we feel action has to be taken. Keep an eye out for future blog posts on other interesting, health-related topics and for new product releases!!

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Men's Clothing

Made from 100% Organic Cotton

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